As above so below, again!

These are some very fab shots I got today!  I decided, fuck it, you know?  The news can’t get any worse.  It can’t for America.  However!  because I am an artist I caught the angelic presence that resides here on earth.



You see, that is the heart of clouds that only people that have hearts can see.



58 thoughts on “As above so below, again!

  1. Yes! That is a wonderful picture you have taken. And your very own heart of clouds. That book is priceless, and of course, so is the author. Precious.
    “as above, so below” that was on my first blog, too. Although now, I believe that “as below so above” is true as well given the idea of –the truth of morphic resonance. How nature answers the human heart, and human mind. What has been called magic in the past, is the yield of nature answering the heart, and if we have the “eyes, to see, and the ears to hear”? It is always there. waiting–for one human heart and mind of love, to be present.
    I don’t mean to meander into the simplistic, nor the notional, but I am convinced that some build “below” what the “above” knows/recognizes, in a synchronism that compels the Jungians to wonder what it all means.
    For you, dear sister of the soul, I am happy you received from the sky, a confirmation. It would have been there whether you were on the path or not.
    But because you were on the path. You saw it. It “belonged to you”.
    So, physics says, we have many paths we might be on, but if there is an ultimate path, the path that leads to our “higher good”, I have no doubt, you were confirmed, as you pondered the sky, and the wonder of nature. Your lifestream present to bear witness.

    love you Bonnaire.



    1. hey! I just wrote about you! and also — go read that beautiful post from sacred path — also Song today I used something in FB that you sent me so long ago — called Adiemus! A different one. ps fab news on book —-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      he told me he finished and it just needed a minor typo polish and gave me a name in London! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I am not the luckiest person. Song i miss you and maybe soon I will have my own job again & $ and i can visit my god.

      I hope —-!

      ps read today! big thinking day! hugs you and RD, omg lost her job. Song it is all falling apart here for people so sad — I am so worried about her Omg.



  2. London. Sounds perfect. Yes it does! And of course it will be published. The sky said so. You are right on time in accordance with the stream. Be happy without feeling sad for a good hour if you can! M’kay?

    My computer is acting up so I am typing this on my iPhone. Geez. Teeny teeny letters. Where is my magnifying glass I managed to read your other post in which you mentioned me. So in blogland you are Valentine and I was like the Velvetine Rabbit? What is that about becoming real? That’s what I mean. I have never had such a meaningful friendship. And I know you feel the same.

    I read about RD. I read her post several times. She doesn’t know me so rather than comment I ask my angels to help her. So?

    They will. I feel her spirit is powerful and capable. She is attached to her job by passion. Passion will fuel her. She is a rare soul. I know .

    So. Oh Bonnaire. You are a wonder. I am so happy for you.

    I miss you and hope to see you again. Someday.

    Love to you.



    1. You have no idea how my friendship in the web helped me to develop this theory! No kidding song — this is a new tx paradigm! But my friendships in the web and observations actually allowed me to think this up. Song two things — first read this, omg.
      Hell I can link it but it is over at corrente on bots and axelrod front page — the gen I am reffing that uses emoticons for language? they don’t have metaphor — nothing but the text messages they do? hard to explain — I have watched videos on this — but, that gen needs to build language, crucial — this is a huge research project god I wish I was back at Pacifica! Damn. Oh well — if book sells I can pay for it,

      RD is strong but I have been so worried. You see we are attached! it matters! we are human!



  3. Oh my goodness. Where to begin. We do indeed share a rare and deeply personal connection and it would have never happened without this technological world which for all of it’s drawbacks allows for a traversal of time and space into a near immediacy of connectivity when true communication takes hold. It is the world of the blind almost in which the accuity of the senses are necessarily heightened by words. The person becomes their words in the mind’s eye and heart of the other.
    Yes it is true that much of what today stands for communication is merely the gibberish of the meaningless or the mundane. Even so the attempts to. communicate, to voice in letter is important even vital as the world grows darker each day. This medium is the great equalizer between the powers that be and the rest of us. Here. We may say. I am alive.


  4. Well yes. Of course your mind is a doctorate’s mind. Beyond actually. You needed a friend who is equal to you in power and luminosity. Pretty lonely wasn’t it? Indeed. For me too. We are empowered differently of course but?

    Ah well. We get along!


  5. Oh RD? I felt my heart drop when I read her post. The only thing I could think of was to pray. And so I pray.

    I have not sung yet.


    Here is an old song with clouds I posted once on my old blog .


    1. Yes it was lovely. I have to correlate how a person remembers what the other does, you see? These kids — i have figured out a way to build this tx plan so that they can learn as if they were babies in the crib — only they are grown! — they midssed that part because they were on here. Wait till I tell you my thought s and theory in vids OMG>! you will not believe.


      1. ps on this one above before I get coffee and listen? you see the images you gave me? I remember them! — like I could tell you please can I have thatone of the hands back and you went and got it — it was fab –friendship? Almost like in real life! Only this is not real life but it will build to that —? Just like how when you can out to visit and we met — go read RD on Katiebird her friend — same thing! Attachment bonds that became real life friends!


      2. I believe a person remembers because first they recognize. What I mean is simply a person resonates to a new stimulus. This is about the mind–not the programmer brain. For this reason I am convicted that we may always learn. Some who have studied childhood development put much emphasis on linear time. We always have our inner child regardless of our age thus we may remember ourselves if we meet a conscious force.


      3. you will love the post I am writing right now! — song do you know where he wants me to send that book? shhhh! but the last big series they pubbed goes by the initials HP? And little kids just loved HP. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I am falling off my chair, Song. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! xxoo! or crying.


      4. I need the manuscript BACK. GOD. I need it back. I am so tried of working for free after what happened since 2000. I am used to having my own salary. I can’t take much more of this I can’t.


  6. Attachment bonds I know nothing of. This you have studied. To me you were always real. Through your words I knew you. And then I remembered you. Your essence. That is not something you believe in. But each person creates an atmosphere that encloses their world. And everything they choose to reflect themselves into the world is real either in the noumenal or the phenomenal. The illusory is in the phenomenal world. I give you that. But only the heart may know the noumena of another. Here words don’t say what silence and meditation reveals to the listener.

    In music the unheard notes are known as the harmonics. One note is comprised of many unheard notes.


  7. Ps: I am merely giving you my perception of you. Remember I progrsmmed computers. I had to ramp down my mind power to deal with logic. Computers require our left brains. We merely function in an enclosed parameter. What alters our perception is if a person through this limited interface may reveal the personal–be it linear life or
    On rare occasions however souls may circumvent these limitations and meet. What changes the equation is:

    if perception leads to action. Such as our meeting. Or Katiebird lending active support to RD. This is then an organic expression of being vs the passive reception of non being. Is this what you mean?


  8. So this idea of being vs non being is very simple to alter with Boolean thinking. If being equals movement then non being equals stasis. Stasis in and of itself is not illusory but it is phenomenal whereas movement may be noumenal as well as phenomenal. So. We may know the stream while standing on the bank but we only fully know the stream by standing in it.


    1. “numinosum” is a different word. I don’t know what Boolean means — but many times with you when I didn’t know a thing (your field of intelligence/words) I could look it up! Over time I got to know you better because of what you “showed me” — what you said to me? Like that — even arguing! no kidding! i wrote all about it someplace way back in here — no kidding! when I began to think out this plan! You’ll see today. xxoo! me! OMG HP OMG our worries are over if so! she says laughing! xxoo! a guest room in your honor! at last!


      1. Here in the tangible we All are present as the union of matter and spirit. This to me Is the crux of existence. To know and understand that in our existence the sacred union already has occurred. Mater is phenomenal and our spirit is noumenal. We have when we are born two points of origin. It is not either-or. We All by Being Here express the miraculous. So then I also believe we come with a gestalt if we follow the unified path of this union within–in this walk life can be difficult sometimes but the force of the noumenal compells us to grow to that place. Destiny if you will. So too the noumenal is timeless even though our material bodies are temporal. It is difficult for the physical to hold the noumenal…but we are evolving best we can. So the place where your spirit comes from is hidden. Yet manifest in the sacred union of your existence…that seems to be where paradox is born though it not need be. There is no war in accepting the miraculous. To understand that the creative act is to bring forth the invisible as tangible to the material world is to know consciously oneself as co-creator with life.

        As for Boolean. It merely is the argument: if–then. In those days when I worked on programs my dilemma was to create parameters that were both static and fluid. This was very important to me ethically. So my programs could not be utilized to impede personal freedom but to facillitate growth. That was what I always kept in mind personally. So it was complex and I needed to anticipate with each switch step–as I called them–outcomes. And I was very aware of guidelines and human behaviors which could pervert the intent of the creatress. Me.
        So it was a very prayerful work. I’ve never told anyone that.
        But my guidance led me. It was a star-scape. And I know for all the talk about the collective unconscious that yes, there is indeed the Collective Conscious–as aluded to by Gurdjieff-Ouspensky as “conscious humanity”


    2. one more thing — you are very intelligent and you write at such high levels of ‘left brain” logos? That I had to think about what you said until my brain hurt sometimes — that smart is who you are! own that, btw.


      1. Well it is very hard to write about the unseen. My work on tessellations–psychological tessellations gave me great understanding of the current patriarchal template. I sought the point of origin of the split from the noumena which is the world we reside in today. I looked at it like a programmer in a way.
        Now as I study economics I. can now predict from this template what forces are acting upon the world–from historic origins to the present. Remember Bonnaire to me the World is man made. The Earth and Heaven. No.
        Everything in the world is as it is because the conflict is built in the earliest template until now. People like you who write books like Heart of Clouds act upon the World from outside the imposed limits. Your theory of intervention is a bridge to understanding Earth and henceforth in doing so remarkably you reveal–Love.

        Hugs to you



  9. Tessellations? A tesselant is a person who believes an originator. Hence not original. ultimately we are intended to originate. But the structure/template of the world has preeminence because it precedes us-materially. Where we originate is from our spirit–because we bring with us before we manifest in the physical world a power to create outside the preexjstent world. Of course that is not the intent for all though it will be as humanity continues to emerge from the dark ages. We are as a species evolving and at this hour womankind is in a perilous place as she has been obstructed by religion. That alone is not the schism from the noumenal but it is enough to discuss for now. Nature has seen to it however that societies which repress women will collapse and follow a mechanism that comes under lower laws. There is no morphic resonance so the species goes into deevolution. This is very important to understand. Most known laws of physics as taught by the current lords of the status quo do not reflect the noumenal. There were other energies available here that have not been tapped.


    1. write more on all this, yes. The words for these concepts are very important. These are words that the ale left brain can understand as well. I will write more on that — Carol Gilligan note that ref. lineaer vs circular logos — you have no idea — please refer others to this research i am doing — like your brother, Song — who is on first concept ummm the elders o’ the tribe need to know quite soon. Refer away! Hugs xxoo!


  10. Goodnight Bonnaire. Your genius has been apparent to me from the early days. I see you clearly. And love you. This book is a blessing for all.


    1. talk all about this in these comments. you don’t have to maintain a blog — say it here! xxoo! you know if I see something I can’t put I won’t and I save all that btw, unpublished letter to the editor? xxoo!


  11. Geniusy. Sometimes you are hard to follow. But I try just like you try. Your associative processes are very intriguing to me. I hate to say this but I think Jung really missed the mark on the feminine aspect. I can’t get over Gala Placidia. It was very revelatory to me. She was a Roman matriarch–a culture carrier. He totally misread her. So I thought. What else did he miserceive. So instead Of channeling my energies with him–I studied biology and physics. I am glad however that you did study him. Between us? We have totally different studies. As i told you once. We are complementary opposites. Yep.


  12. Geniusy. Sometimes you are hard to follow. But I try just like you try. Your associative processes are very intriguing to me. You have the ability to take disperate elementsxand bring them together. And it makes sense. Logic would say otherwise. So you are working on ideas with a kind of meta-logic. It’s hard to hash it out here.
    And thus friggin teeny keypad!!
    Geesh. Voice recognition where are you on these iPhones?

    I hate to say this but I think Jung really missed the mark on the feminine aspect. I can’t get over Gala Placidia. It was very revelatory to me. She was a Roman matriarch–a culture carrier. He totally misread her. So I thought. What else did he miserceive. So instead Of channeling my energies with him–I studied biology and physics. I am glad however that you did study him. Between us? We have totally different studies. As i told you once. We are complementary opposites. Yep.


  13. I know that you write from the place Kristeva talks about where words combine with rhythm and musicality. She said Joyce wrote from that place too. She mentioned Molly. That is rare VB. Ms Wonderfulness yourself!!


    1. I remember when you posted this? The “sound” in this is so screechy I almost can’t listen to it? No kidding — so it must be the cognitive high note? Jung would use Typology –so Thinking types must vary? But –I think what you hear in my voice is metaphor? Old fashioned. We are all a product of what we have read? So the literary quality must come out when you read. Anyway. I need the book back. I’m going to write today about being jerked around by the age bracket of men I described yesterday. The systems dept and others in the age bracket 55 and up. You have no idea. The younger generation like this guy Matt? They are so different. The Open Source! vs the Stingy nigthmare who kept all the money to themselves. An eye-opener. hugs.


      1. I turn down the volume. The tone is awful. But in this one they went up the scale. Geez. Still the sound makes those images. So. There is an organizing principle in tone.
        I will go and read your post.


  14. OM would do. Vocalizing tones. Different music does different things to the body. After the encounter with lightnng. I rode an exercise bike while listening to piano concertos for 9 months. I didn’t talk much doncha know. Anyway. I called it my “rewiring time”. I didn’t want any 4/4 time which is prevalent in pop/rock or music with words. There’s many reasns for that. Too long to go into. The cymatics merely shows the organizing principles of some tone/harmonics.


  15. Oh God. Bleak is the word. I’ve kearned too much. Don’t want to scare you more. Reading all these financial blogs. Reports from the underbelly of the beast.

    I watched the ACademy Awards. And you know what? I thought of you and Heart of Ckiuds–the screenplay!! I could see it. The world needs beauty. Too much stuck on ugly.

    The show sucked. IMHO. So I daydreamed through it.


  16. Geez Randi Newmann. Forgivez moi. All his friggin songs sound alike. And if I hear the Theme from Star Wars one more time?



  17. I don’t remember the last time I watched it. They had these younger hosts to try to bring in the younger viewer. Then a bunch of old fat white guys getting the awards mostly? Looks to me like Hollywood needs a visit from the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission.

    You’re right though. No glam. I feel like I wasted 3 hours.


    1. I haven’t watched it in years, didn’t watch the whole thing either? Dark Swan was a good film, I thought. True Grit I will see, and Blue Valentine I loved! The King’s Speech I’ll see. I like those kind of films? The best! ps: a musical is in order for this era! xxoo! hugs….


  18. Ya know Bonnaire. You posted a Heart of Coulds. I was very depressed. Not feeling well at all. When I saw that. I rose from my sickbed to utter to you words of recognition and encouragement. On these recent posts I have written responses that you catalyzed. I appreciate that. But more. I appreciate you Bonnaire. You are my friend.

    You are so talented. You need to read this again and again. You never forgot what matters. I regret to say.

    Many people have.

    You aree so talented. You need to read this again and again.


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