42 thoughts on “Happy St Patrick’s to you!

    1. Upps had that. I may not be going so much to Conf after the last few days — hmmm — very diff there now. Anyway, hey I put chap 2 in! Very happy about that, and edited it on the way in and happy, assuming I didn’t screw up! hugs. Also? The things I have uploaded have had over 600 reads in the last coupe of weeks? No kidding! Whew. Chap 1 had 80 and today 42 so far! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Those reads are wonderful news. I need to hear wonderful news. Gosh!

    studying the world right now is 3 dimensional chess. I follow the markets because the flow of money and commodities in certin instances is revelatory as to what the so called elite–scum are doing. Confusion reins because they want it too. Japan is the third largest economy in the world. The IMF won’t help them and they are in terrible debt already. The global repercussions will be staggering. Economic and nuclear. I wonder why our military didn’t haul in some big generators. Then tonight I read that we demanded they dismantle it before the problems were apparent.


      1. Thank you! I am editing it again on the fly on the way in —— chap 3 tofay, one per day —- you musdt not have seen anything “wrong” with the punctuation or jarring….thank you!


      2. No. I didn’t read it looking for errors? If there were any I’m sure it would have jangled my brain. (I think). There’s a flow in this story. An atmosphere too.


      3. Thank heavens nothing jumped off the page! It would have? Thank heavens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxoo! Am re-writing chap three right now! so that will be going in. You know? You would notice? Because of how well read you are? It would leap off the page at you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        That’s how it works, but the writer can’t really see? That is what an editor does for you………….hugs. back in a mo.


      4. Well I dunno if I would see it or not. I was experiencing it. As a place. And my left brain wasn’t engaged critically. I have to use my left brain. But you don’t believe me here. I am right-brain whole brain. Seldom do I find writers who speak directly to my right brain first. When that happens. I go there. But there has to be music in the words.

        Kristeva would understand this. I am grasping for words. Ok.
        Pre Oedipal is the child before being wrenched away to pater-land of logic and lines and numbers and compartments. Ultimately the left brain should merely be our human toolbox.
        Not the dominant controller. Once in awhile a writer though rarely infuses musicality into language and in doing so returns us
        to some degree to greater wholeness.

        Hard. Very hard to explain.


      5. !

        Music! — there is a lot of alliteration and repetition of the words on purpose in it — and so you “hear it” — as sound! I have a theory about that based on Jung’s typology…I do. Some “see” it rather than hear it? Hmmmmmm…. much to think about and certainly better than the damn nightmare outside!

        Chap 3 went in and has had 43 reads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxoo! YAY! Escape, as books are meant to let people do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      6. I don’t want to over analyze this story or your locus of creativity here. I choose words but that is because they exist as concepts but a left brain definition does not encapusulate the whole meaning. In fact. Words are inert. We give meaning to words. Words do not give meaning to us. So we as living beings remain undefined regardless of all the names and descriptions we use. In saying this– pre-Oedipal means to me–prior to words.
        Before we were wrenched from boundary-less life.


      7. And so musicality in words takes a person incrementally back to the place before words and this is atmospheric–this musicality–not only tone. Geez I could say more. Music. You cannot touch it. Taste it. See it. But you feel it and hear it. So Jungs typology would not apply here. All types experience music.


      8. I meant you “hear” the story? Others “see” the story — not hear it? Hard to explain. Some writers I “hear” and some I “see” — hope that makes sense? In the typology an inferior sensate line myself? Can “express” that side (writing/art0 — like you do music? — so you “hear” things? I tend to write magical realism and this story really was? It’s a very “young” story? — like the age you are talking about before logos comes in? I liked what you said alot? Pre-Oedipal! Hmmm- it’s really interesting the way you see the story to me! It is!


      9. Well yes I understand why. It collapses time. Like these measures from Schumann’–Kinderszenen–Scenes from Chikdhood. And why there are thousands of listeners. And there always will be.


  2. Oh I just read cHapter two and I smiled . I love the way you wrote this. Just love it Adrienne. It is like music to me.


    1. Can you see things like dangling participles or things wrong? I mean? I read it over, changed a few things — let me know if there is something glaring or that juts out? So hard….one woman operation — writer editor cover designer geez. Hugs. thank you!!!!!!!! tell your friends to go in there and read it!!!!!!!! I want to see if people “get” it and they might not!


  3. I love the names of the chapters. I can tell that the author just took in everything. You bring life to words. And I can see. I can see things when you describe them. How you wrote about the abalone. I just could go on and on here!


    1. Oh Do Go On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxoo! thank you! you can do it in Scribd!! make a comment? You could! As yourself? Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to sell that book and then we’ll get a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Urgggghhhhhhhhhhh.


  4. symbolic – the domain of position and judgment, chronologically follows semiotic (post-Oedipal), is the establishment of a sign system, always present, historical time (linear), and creates repressed writing.
    semiotic – the science of signs (that which creates the need for symbolic),cyclical through time, pre-Oedipal, and creates unrepressed writing. Exists in children before language acquisition and has significance.

    There you go.


  5. I meant to put quotes around the above.

    So. Hope that gives more information.

    I love chapter 3. ” who are you”

    it made me smile. I just really don’t know what to say. It is so beautiful

    kinderszenen of Adrienne.


  6. Just finished texting my youngest nephew. We share notes on classical music. You remember I taught him to play the flute after my dad died. He lioved my dad and he was liost without him. So I took him under my wing and played classical music in my car each day when I picked him up from school. He texted me a few weeks ago to tell me he lioves Brahms now. Hahaha! I knew I couldn’t take my dad’s place. I was grieving myself but because of him. Well. I had to be strong. Anyway. So. I just shared what I love. And he didn’t like Brahmns much at 13? Who does?



    1. Very sweet, what you taught will always stay? I wish I could call — your number is in that little phone he turned off. Oh god. I haven’t got it written down. I don’t know Song. I don’t. I just can’t keep on like this. Something good has to happen. So sacred with the outer world news and then there is this. Dunno.


  7. Yeah. He didn’t recommend the video. Just the music. On my blog. I only put Beethoven once. It was a piece from one of his symphonies that had been put to a choral. I did the same thing here on my digital studio. It seemed perfect for voices. I can’t recall at the moment which symphony?
    Details don’t matter anyway.



  8. I can’t sleep either. So I found the Beethioven. Sigh. Beethoven’s symphony 7 2nd Mvt. Look forward to your call. !!!!!


  9. Having a very hard day. Not a good day to talk. I miss you Bonnaire. I am dealing with so much. But compared to the people of Japan. Nothing


    1. Okay, I’m thinking of you. Take care, Song. Me too. A very hard day. Needing to unplug from this now, too awful — the news is on and what good will any of this do given the situation in Japan. The world needs to work together to solve that and they aren’t. It’s like it isn’t even important enough to them.


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